Permit Inspection Codes


Building Department Inspection Codes


Code Inspection Type Description
B= Building Final When building is ready for occupancy and all other final inspections have been approved.
B=R Building Roofing (Final)
BBB Building Bond Beam
BE Building Extension
BEN= Building Energy Final
BFD Building Foundation Drain If a peripheral drain is required by the soils engineer, the drain must be inspected. Call for inspection prior to backfilling the foundation and when pipe, rock, filter paper and sand is installed (Follow the design in the engineer's report).
BFI Building Foundation Insulation This applies to buildings that need to install rigid insulation on the exterior of the foundation wall or under slab.
BFN Building Foundation When continuous footings are not used, or at the direction of the inspector who made the footing inspection, call for inspection when the forms are in place, level, braced and when reinforcing steel is in place and secured. Required void material must be installed (Follow the design in the engineers report).
BFR Building Frame After preceding inspections have been approved, roof, windows, doors, all blocking, bracing, exterior wall sheathing, stairs, chimneys and fireplaces are in place. BEFORE INSULATION IS INSTALLED
BFT Building Footing When regular continuous footings are used, call for inspection when footings are excavated, neat, clean, dry and forms are in place, level, braced and reinforcing bar if required is in place and tied. Reinforcing bar must be suspended in place a minimum of (3) inches above the soil. If footings are on fill, you must have a compaction report by an engineer on job site at time of inspection.
BIN Building Insulation This will apply to all heated buildings. It will include all the insulation that can be concealed such as cavity insulation in walls, floors, and vaulted ceilings and any comtinuous insulation builders may use such as rigid prior to exterior sheathing.
BLA Building Lath When ready for the application of stucco (ideally this would be ready at time of frame inspection).
BPV Solar Attachment Inspection Solar Attachment Inspection
BSP Building Special Inspection
BTD Building Temporary Tie Downs Building Temporary Tie Downs for Mobile-Home/Manufactured Buildings
BTR Building Tiled Roof Inspection After all underlayment and batten strips are in place. Before any tile is installed.
BVM Building Verification


Code Inspection Type Description
E= Electrical Final When all electrical work is done, all devices installed, fixtures hung and building is ready for occupancy.
ED Electrical Demolition
EE Electrical Extension
EP Electrical Panel Electrical Panel
ER Electrical Rough When all concealed cable is installed, all boxes set, all mud rings installed, all connections made up and all bonding and grounding connections are made. In cases where underground wiring is installed, it must be inspected prior to covering.
ER= Electrical Rough & Final
ERS Electrical Rough & Service
ES Electrical Service
ES= Electrical Service & Final
ESL Electrical Slab
ESP Electrical Special Inspection
ESPR Electrical Service Prerelease
EST Electrical Service Temporary
EUG Electrical U.G.


Code Inspection Type Description
H= Heat Final When all appliances are gas piped, wired, vented and the thermostat is in place (your gas meter will be ordered by the inspector when heating final is approved).
HC Heat Construction Meter This is a special inspection which may enable the gas meter to be set prior to final inspection.
HD Heat Duct Commercial Only. This inspection shall be made on all occupancies except R-3 (Single Family, Duplexes, Townhouses), after the duct work is in place and before it is concealed.
HE Heat Extension
HE= Conveyance Final
HE16 Conveyance Consultation
HER Conveyance Rough
HI Heat Gas Inside When all gas piping is in place, secured and has had ten pounds of air pressure for fifteen(15) minutes (Low Pressure Systems) prior to inspection (applies to all gas piping on the house side of the gas meter above ground).
HLP Heat LP Gas Drain This inspection shall be made after the piping is in place and run to daylight, prior to being covered.
HO Heat Outside When all gas piping is in place, secured and has had ten pounds of air pressure for fifteen(15) minutes (Low Pressure Systems) prior to inspection (applies to all gas piping on the house side of the gas meter below ground).
HO= Heat Mfg Outside and Final
HRP Heat Refrigeration Piping This inspection shall be made after all piping and tubing that conveys refrigeration gas has been installed and before it is concealed.
HRR Heat Residential Rough This inspection is for R-3 occupancies and encompasses all the rough mechanical work within a dwelling. This inspection includes, but is not limited to, all gas appliance vents as well as all supply, return, and exhaust duct systems. This inspection is to be accomplished after all work has been completed and the roof is in place so that the structure is dryed in and before any work is concealed.
HSP Mechanical Special Inspection
HV Heat Vent Commercial Only. This inspection shall be made after the vents are installed and the roof is in place so that the structure is dryed in and before the vents are concealed.
HWP Heat Process Steam & Water Pipe This inspection shall be made after the steam and water piping systems that are part of a heating or cooling system have been installed and before it is covered and concealed.


Code Inspection Type Description
FP= Floodplain Final Inspection Floodplain Final Inspection


Code Inspection Type Description
P= Plumbing Final When all plumbing work is completed and fixtures are in place.
P=S Plumbing Lawn Sprinkler
PAV Plumbing Appliance Vent
PB Plumbing Base When the base is in place and under test, before backfilling and before the floor is poured (if slab on grade or basement type structure. Note; Outside water line must be inspected before the trench is backfilled).
PBP Plumbing Backflow Preventer
PE Plumbing Extension
PGI Plumbing Grease Interceptor
PIN Plumbing Insulation
PO= Plumbing Mfg Res Set and Final Manufactured residential Structure's outside water and final
PRD Plumbing Roof Drain When the roof drainage system piping is in place, but not yet concealed.
PSP Plumbing Special Inspection
PTO Plumbing Top out / Water in When all fixture drain lines, vents, and water supply lines are in place and under test.
PWO Plumb Water Out When then water-service ditch has been excavated and the service line placed in the ditch, but not yet backfilled.


Code Inspection Type Description
S= Sign Final
SB= Sign Building Final
SE Sign Extension
SELC Sign Electrical
SF Sign Foundation
SFT Sign Footing
SPI Sign Permit Image


Code Inspection Type Description
H01 Conveyance Annual Inspection
H02 Conveyance Six Month Inspection
H03 Conveyance Re-inspection
H05 Equipment Red Tag
H06 Witnessed 5 Year Test
H07 Witnessed Annual Escalator Test


Code Inspection Type Description
W= Wrecking Final
WE Wrecking Extension

External Inspection Codes


Code Inspection Type Description
F= Fire Final Fire final inspection approved
FHP= Fire High Pile Final
FHZ= Fire Hazmat Final
FSS Fire sprinkler system Fire sprinkler system (water density, flush, piping, support, heads, location, flow alarm, monitor)


Code Inspection Type Description
HD= Health Department Final


Code Inspection Type Description
N= Engineering Final Enginerring Final


Code Inspection Type Description
S= Sign Final


Code Inspection Type Description
U= Utility Final Utility Final
UBS Utility Sewer Inspection Utility Sewer Inspection
UF Utility Fees
UGM Utility Gas Meter Utility Gas Meter
UWM Utility Water Meter Utility Water Meter
UWS Utility Water Service When then water-service ditch has been excavated and the service line placed in the ditch, but not yet backfilled.


Code Inspection Type Description
Z= Zoning/D.R. Final Zoning/Development Review Final Inspection
ZAP Zoning Accessible Parking
ZL Zoning Landscape