CO Springs DRE | Original | A | 11/3/2022 | PLANGE | PLANGE | The plan set submitted for building permit review is consistent with the approved Minor Modification plan set. | | CO Springs DRE | 1765931 |
Zoning/Planning | Original | A | 10/28/2022 | PLANGE | PLANGE | The plan set submitted for building permit review is consistent with the approved Minor Modification plan set. | | Zoning/Planning | 1762688 |
Enumeration | Original | N | 10/28/2022 | BECKYA | BECKYA | | | Enumeration | 1762630 |
Submittal 2 | Original | / | 10/27/2022 | ANDREAL | ANDREAL | Submittal #2 | | Submittal 2 | 1762621 |
CO Springs DRE | Original | D | 10/26/2022 | PLANGE | PLANGE | Please schedule a pre-application meeting request with Planning Department staff to discuss the project scope. A pre-application meeting can be scheduled by going to the Planning Department home page and selecting "pre-application meeting request." | | CO Springs DRE | 1761651 |
Electrical | Original | N | 10/21/2022 | SHELBY | SHELBY | | | Electrical | 1760058 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 10/21/2022 | SHELBY | SHELBY | In Current Review by SHELBY | | Electronic Plan | 1760057 |
CO Springs Hazmat | Original | N | 10/20/2022 | CSFIRE | CSFIRE | | dwithee | CO Springs Hazmat | 1759081 |
CO Springs Fire | Original | N | 10/20/2022 | CSFIRE | CSFIRE | no fire final | csfdit | CO Springs Fire | 1759080 |
CSU Water | Original | N | 10/19/2022 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | AJ | ajuvera | CSU Water | 1758648 |
CSU Waste Water | Original | N | 10/19/2022 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | AJ | ajuvera | CSU Waste Water | 1758646 |
Zoning/Planning | Original | D | 10/19/2022 | PLANGE | PLANGE | Please schedule a pre-application meeting request with Planning Department staff to discuss the project scope. A pre-application meeting can be scheduled by going to the Planning Department home page and selecting "pre-application meeting request." | | Zoning/Planning | 1758590 |
Mechanical | Original | N | 10/19/2022 | JUSTINC | JUSTINC | | | Mechanical | 1758587 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 10/19/2022 | JUSTINC | JUSTINC | In Current Review by JUSTINC | | Electronic Plan | 1758584 |
Construction | Original | N | 10/19/2022 | MICHAELA | MICHAELA | | | Construction | 1758570 |
Enumeration | Original | D | 10/18/2022 | BECKYA | BECKYA | Based on permit history, the address for Verizon is 1903 N Union Blvd. The plan was submitted under the incorrect address and all plan pages show a different incorrect address. Update each and every page to show the correct address 1903 N Union Blvd.
In the future, please go to our website and search the address to see if you have current permit history under that address. If not do a broad range of addresses for that street to confirm you are using the correct address for the project and not the address for the parcel. The address to a cell site will never be shown on the El Paso County Assessor's website. PLEASE NOTE - THE DISAPPROVAL COMMENTS ABOVE MAY NOT REPRESENT THE COMPLETE LIST OF CORRECTIONS REQUIRED ON THE PLAN 1. FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMITTALS, A "PROGRESS SET" IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW OF REQUIRED CORRECTIONS. 2. FOR ALL SUBMITTALS, A "REVIEW SET" WILL BE AVAILABLE UPON COMPLETION OF ALL DEPARTMENT REVIEWS. 3. PLANS CANNOT BE RE-SUBMITTED UNTIL EVERY DEPARTMENT HAS COMPLETED THIS CURRENT ROUND OF REVIEW. | | Enumeration | 1758195 |
Floodplain | Original | N | 10/13/2022 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Autogenerated Review: Outside 100 Year Floodplain. (Parcel: 6404319011) | | Floodplain | 1756410 |