CSU Water | Original | N | 10/15/2024 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | No plumbing scope of work. MLW | mlwilliams | CSU Water | 2072834 |
Submittal 2 | Original | / | 10/15/2024 | BRIANNAM | BRIANNAM | Submittal #2 | | Submittal 2 | 2072445 |
CO Springs Fire | Original | A | 10/4/2024 | CSFIRE | CSFIRE | You are responsible for reviewing the comments through your ACA account. You can find the link to the ACA website and a tutorial video on how to set up an account at: https://coloradosprings.gov/fire-code-resources . If you do not have an ACA account at time of CSFD review you will need to reach out to the CSFD Construction Service staff to link the review to your account. ALL PLAN APPROVALS SUBJECT TO FINAL INSPECTION! | Jacob.Watson | CO Springs Fire | 2068557 |
CO Springs Hazmat | Original | N | 10/4/2024 | CSFIRE | CSFIRE | NA | Jacob.Watson | CO Springs Hazmat | 2068556 |
Health Dept. | Original | A | 10/1/2024 | HEALTHDEPT | HEALTHDEPT | Childcare facility approved in plan review. A pre-operational inspection will be required before final approval for opening is granted. | ddominguez | Health Dept. | 2066810 |
CO Springs DRE | Original | A | 9/24/2024 | KSCHOTT | KSCHOTT | Zoning approval for commercial interior remodel only and partial change of occupancy to covert 3 existing classrooms into infant care rooms which is a permitted use in MX-M zone district. This existing charter school was last amended to the development plan in 2020 (PD DP 81-209-A6MJ20) therefore no CDI (community development impact) fees are triggered because prior to 1/1/2023. No change to exterior and no change to parking proposed nor required. Informational: prior to CO, a Zoning Verification Letter (ZVL) may be required for state licensing for infant care. Submit ZVL through City Planning's ACCELA website for review : coloradosprings.gov/planning-and-development | | CO Springs DRE | 2064045 |
Health Dept. | Original | N | 9/24/2024 | HEALTHDEPT | HEALTHDEPT | Not applicable. KB | KBauer | Health Dept. | 2063825 |
Health Dept. | Original | N | 9/24/2024 | HEALTHDEPT | HEALTHDEPT | Not applicable. | KBauer | Health Dept. | 2063777 |
Energy | Original | A | 9/23/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2063353 |
Electrical | Original | N | 9/23/2024 | BERTHA | BERTHA | | | Electrical | 2063352 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 9/23/2024 | BERTHA | BERTHA | In Current Review by BERTHA | | Electronic Plan | 2063351 |
Plumbing | Original | N | 9/23/2024 | TCRIPPEN | TCRIPPEN | No plumbing work | | Plumbing | 2063330 |
Mechanical | Original | N | 9/23/2024 | TCRIPPEN | TCRIPPEN | No mechanical | | Mechanical | 2063329 |
CSU Water | Original | D | 9/20/2024 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | Requires submittal of a Backflow Assembly Plan Review Form to determine if the service backflow prevention meets Standards. Form can be found at: https://www.csu.org/Documents/DomesticAssembly.pdf?csf=1&e=KLQNrS
***Form must be submitted to crossconnection@csu.org. Contact Utilities Development Services at 719-668-8259 with any questions.*** SSM | stefanm | CSU Water | 2062918 |
CSU Waste Water | Original | N | 9/20/2024 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | No plumbing scope of work. SSM | stefanm | CSU Waste Water | 2062917 |
Zoning/Planning | Original | / | 9/20/2024 | KSCHOTT | KSCHOTT | In Current Review by KSCHOTT | | Zoning/Planning | 2062914 |
Construction | Original | A | 9/20/2024 | BPHILLIPS | BPHILLIPS | | | Construction | 2062887 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 9/19/2024 | BPHILLIPS | BPHILLIPS | In Current Review by BPHILLIPS | | Electronic Plan | 2062497 |
Enumeration | Original | N | 9/18/2024 | AMY | AMY | | | Enumeration | 2061736 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 9/17/2024 | AMY | AMY | In Current Review by AMY | | Electronic Plan | 2061288 |
Energy | Original | / | 9/17/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2061003 |
Floodplain | Original | N | 9/17/2024 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Autogenerated Review: Outside 100 Year Floodplain. (Parcel: 6316311006) | | Floodplain | 2061002 |