County Zoning | Original | A | 1/14/2025 | DSDRANGEL | DSDRANGEL | All EPC Planning fees are applicable for each address. | | County Zoning | 2108553 |
Energy | Original | A | 1/10/2025 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2107191 |
Plumbing | Original | A | 1/10/2025 | SHANEN | SHANEN | | | Plumbing | 2107190 |
Construction | Original | A | 1/10/2025 | SHELLEY | SHELLEY | | | Construction | 2107122 |
Enumeration | Original | A | 1/9/2025 | BECKYA | BECKYA | | | Enumeration | 2106770 |
Submittal 2 | Original | / | 1/9/2025 | BRIANNAM | BRIANNAM | Submittal #2 | | Submittal 2 | 2106716 |
EPC Health Dept | Original | N | 12/23/2024 | HEALTHDEPT | HEALTHDEPT | Not applicable. Per Premier Homes, development/earthmoving activities are complete. AM | Amanda Furno | EPC Health Dept | 2102040 |
Cherokee Water | Original | A | 12/16/2024 | CHEROKEEMETRO | CHEROKEEMETRO | | JEFF MUNGER | Cherokee Water | 2099556 |
Cherokee Waste Water | Original | A | 12/16/2024 | CHEROKEEMETRO | CHEROKEEMETRO | | JEFF MUNGER | Cherokee Waste Water | 2099555 |
Falcon Fire (CSFD) | Original | N | 12/11/2024 | CSFIRE | CSFIRE | *Fee is per building
No Fire Final | Jacob.Watson | Falcon Fire (CSFD) | 2097716 |
EPC Health Dept | Original | D | 12/6/2024 | HEALTHDEPT | HEALTHDEPT | Construction activity permit required for projects earthmoving > 1 acre. If the entire project is > 1 acre earthmoving, regardless of being submitted in phases and/or separate building permits, a construction activity permit will be required. Information and application may be accessed online at For questions, contact Environmental Health at 719-578-3199 option 3. AM | Amanda Furno | EPC Health Dept | 2095897 |
Energy | Original | D | 12/3/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2094037 |
Mechanical | Original | A | 12/3/2024 | TREVORH | TREVORH | Approved; | | Mechanical | 2094036 |
Electrical | Original | A | 12/3/2024 | DANIELG | DANIELG | | | Electrical | 2093721 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 12/3/2024 | DANIELG | DANIELG | In Current Review by DANIELG | | Electronic Plan | 2093707 |
County Zoning | Original | D | 12/3/2024 | DSDRANGEL | DSDRANGEL | Provide individual BESQCPs for each address. | | County Zoning | 2093557 |
CSU Contract Admin. | Original | N | 12/2/2024 | CSUAPPSPRM | CSUAPPSPRM | All Applicable development fees/charges will be collected at time of individual townhome applications. JMD | jdemello | CSU Contract Admin. | 2093321 |
Gas/Elec. Utils | Original | A | 12/2/2024 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | Approved development plan provided with permit set. CSU Field Engineer to determine final gas/electric meter, transformer and service line locations. Contact Field Engineering at 719-668-4985 (Gas) or 719-668-5564 (Electric) with any questions. CJS | cjsavage | Gas/Elec. Utils | 2093314 |
Zoning/Planning | Original | / | 12/2/2024 | DSDRANGEL | DSDRANGEL | In Current Review by DSDRANGEL | | Zoning/Planning | 2093307 |
Plumbing | Original | D | 12/2/2024 | SHANEN | SHANEN | * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Plumbing | 2093237 |
Construction | Original | D | 12/2/2024 | SHELLEY | SHELLEY | Reconcile accessibility plan; fix overlapping text; label roof framing - no truss review; see plans. * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Construction | 2093204 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 12/2/2024 | SHELLEY | SHELLEY | In Current Review by SHELLEY | | Electronic Plan | 2093071 |
Enumeration | Original | A | 12/2/2024 | BECKYA | BECKYA | | | Enumeration | 2093048 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 12/2/2024 | BECKYA | BECKYA | In Current Review by BECKYA | | Electronic Plan | 2093037 |
Energy | Original | / | 11/4/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2081355 |
Floodplain | Original | N | 11/4/2024 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Autogenerated Review: Outside 100 Year Floodplain. (Parcel: 5404303103) | | Floodplain | 2081352 |