CO Springs DRE | Original | D | 2/3/2025 | CVANAPPLEDORN | CVANAPPLEDORN | Disapproved for the following: 1.The site plan provided does not display the required Limit of Disturbance line. Per the January 1st, 2025, UDC Hillside changes, please draw a line illustrating the zone where any materials will be kept, or work will be performed. This zone must begin where any material will be entering the property boundary and continuing around the work zone. The zone must not encroach into any preservation easement. A construction fence must be placed along the approved Limit of Disturbance line. The fence material may be flexible plastic roughly 4 feet in height. Once the fencing is laid out, you may contact Patrick Dosch to schedule a required inspection. His office number is 719-385-5178. The inspection of the Limit of Disturbance fence is required before any work or demolition is started.
2.The site plan shows inconsistent scale lengths of 1” = 30’ and 1” = 40’. Please use a consistent scale value.
Be aware that the existing preservation easement on the property is possibly running up against the proposed deck. The corrected scale on a new site plan will allow us to confirm the distance it envelopes within the property. The Limit of Disturbance line (area of work) cannot encroach into the preservation easement. Additionally, per the Development Plan, the rear setback matches the preservation easement. | | CO Springs DRE | 2116389 |
Zoning/Planning | Original | / | 2/3/2025 | CVANAPPLEDORN | CVANAPPLEDORN | In Current Review by CVANAPPLEDORN | | Zoning/Planning | 2116382 |
Construction | Original | A | 1/31/2025 | BRIANB | BRIANB | approved as noted | | Construction | 2115920 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 1/31/2025 | BRIANB | BRIANB | In Current Review by BRIANB | | Electronic Plan | 2115917 |
Energy | Original | N | 1/29/2025 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review not required under 2023 PPRBC when IECC is N/A | | Energy | 2114907 |
Floodplain | Original | N | 1/29/2025 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Autogenerated Review: Outside 100 Year Floodplain. (Parcel: 7303103013) | | Floodplain | 2114906 |
Fire | Original | / | 1/29/2025 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Parcel 7303103013 is within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). Fire Department Review is required. | | Fire | 2114905 |