Required Departments: 4
Log Entries: 5
City Engr | Original | D | 12/30/2024 | HVO | HVO | A Financial Assurance of $168,440.14 is required before the building permit can be approved | | City Engr | 2103332 | CO Springs DRE | Original | A | 12/27/2024 | SSADLER | SSADLER | All code requirements are met and the permit is approved. This approval does not allow the addition of an additional dwelling unit to be rented or function separately from the primary unit or approved ADU. This permit does not approve any easement encroachments. Architectural features encroaching into setback shall adhere to Chapter 7.4.203 of the Unified Development Code. | | CO Springs DRE | 2103116 | Zoning/Planning | Original | / | 12/27/2024 | SSADLER | SSADLER | In Current Review by SSADLER | | Zoning/Planning | 2103090 | Enumeration | Original | A | 12/27/2024 | BECKYA | BECKYA | | | Enumeration | 2103075 | Floodplain | Original | N | 12/27/2024 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Autogenerated Review: Outside 100 Year Floodplain. (Parcel: 5315322016) | | Floodplain | 2103074 |
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