Energy | Original | D | 2/20/2025 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2122909 |
Mechanical | Original | D | 2/20/2025 | TCRIPPEN | TCRIPPEN | Disapproved pending Elevators comments * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Mechanical | 2122908 |
Electrical | Original | D | 2/20/2025 | DANIELG | DANIELG | * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Electrical | 2122707 |
Plumbing | Original | D | 2/20/2025 | SHANEN | SHANEN | Construction review comments regarding occupant load must be addressed. Change of occupancy requires compliance with section 403.1. Show compliance with additional requirements for 2021 IECC. Compliance with 2021 IPC and CO state amendments to 2021 IPC must be stated on the plumbing plans. Remove all references to Florida building code and incorrect ANSI code cycle. Schedule EWC-1. Drinking fountain shall comply with section 410.3. Provided water pipe size analysis data is incomplete. Data must include: service pressure, service size, meter size, pressure loss, available pressure, distribution size, WSFU served, developed length, etc. Elevator sump discharge shall comply with section 301.6. Restroom locations shall comply with section 403.3.3. Lavatories must show compliance with 2021 IECC section C404.5.1. Elevator sump discharge does not comply with section 301.6 Exception: Floor drains, sumps and sump pumps shall be permitted at the base of the shaft, provided that they are indirectly connected to the plumbing system. Discharge elevator sump indirectly to a waste receptor capable of handling a minimum of 50 gpm (100 dfu). All gas piping related items shall be on the mechanical plans.Remove all references to gas piping from the plumbing plans. * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Plumbing | 2122603 |
Elevators | Original | D | 2/19/2025 | ROBERTV | ROBERTV | Need site specific shop drawings for all elevators being installed. All elevator shop drawing information must be situated in all of the required pages of this planset to include all work by others. Dimensions, notes and layouts must match in all trade pages. These submittals cannot be deferred. See pages A10.1, A10.2, M1.1, P0.1, P0.2, E1.1 . * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Elevators | 2122578 |
CO Springs Fire | Original | D | 2/11/2025 | CSFIRE | CSFIRE | You must have a ACA account in order to view your disapproval comments. You can find the link to the ACA website and a tutorial video on how to set up an account at: . If you do not have an ACA account at time of CSFD review you will need to reach out to the CSFD Construction Service staff to link the review to your account. | chiptaylor | CO Springs Fire | 2119427 |
CO Springs Hazmat | Original | N | 2/11/2025 | CSFIRE | CSFIRE | | chiptaylor | CO Springs Hazmat | 2119426 |
CO Springs DRE | Original | D | 1/31/2025 | MAMBUUL | MAMBUUL | 1. Please upload recorded plat to permit. 2. Need to provide financial assurances for public and private improvements. | | CO Springs DRE | 2116107 |
Zoning/Planning | Original | / | 1/31/2025 | MAMBUUL | MAMBUUL | In Current Review by MAMBUUL | | Zoning/Planning | 2115832 |
CSU Water | Original | D | 1/31/2025 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | Requires CSU-approved wastewater and water mainline Construction Drawings (CD's) and approved Utility Service Plan (USP). Call UDS at 719-668-8259 with questions. mjg | mgackle | CSU Water | 2115794 |
CSU Waste Water | Original | D | 1/31/2025 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | Requires CSU-approved wastewater and water mainline Construction Drawings (CD's) and approved Utility Service Plan (USP). Call UDS at 719-668-8259 with questions. mjg | mgackle | CSU Waste Water | 2115791 |
Construction | Original | D | 1/31/2025 | SHELLEY | SHELLEY | See code data, LSP, accessibility, wall types, and other comments. * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Construction | 2115762 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 1/30/2025 | SHELLEY | SHELLEY | In Current Review by SHELLEY | | Electronic Plan | 2115313 |
Enumeration | Original | A | 1/29/2025 | BECKYA | BECKYA | | | Enumeration | 2115268 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 1/29/2025 | BECKYA | BECKYA | In Current Review by BECKYA | | Electronic Plan | 2115266 |
Energy | Original | / | 12/3/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2093547 |
Floodplain | Original | N | 12/3/2024 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Autogenerated Review: Outside 100 Year Floodplain. (Parcel: 6410405013) | | Floodplain | 2093545 |