County Zoning | Original | A | 3/6/2025 | DSDDEAN2 | DSDDEAN2 | County Zoning already approved this plan on 2/26/2025. See comment below which states: The Site Development Plan was approved on 2/5/2025 by the Planning and Community Development Department at Fil No PPR2438. Per Engineering staff comments, Road Impact Fees will be based on the class " Institutional". Based on the public works fee schedule at and the gross area noted in the Letter of Intent, 4,965 sq ft x $2371 = $11,131.84. | | County Zoning | 2127696 |
Energy | Original | A | 3/5/2025 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2127563 |
Plumbing | Original | A | 3/5/2025 | SHANEN | SHANEN | | | Plumbing | 2127562 |
| Original | / | 3/5/2025 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Resubmittal Processing Fee(s) Paid | | | 2127556 |
| Original | / | 3/5/2025 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Resubmittal Processing Fee Due | | | 2127484 |
Submittal 3 | Original | / | 3/5/2025 | SIERRAC | SIERRAC | Submittal #3 | | Submittal 3 | 2127483 |
Security Fire | Original | A | 2/26/2025 | SECURITYFIRE | SECURITYFIRE | Fire separation ok for reduced occupancy load. OK MAS for SFD No Stamp | SecurityFD1 | Security Fire | 2125336 |
Energy | Original | D | 2/26/2025 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2124942 |
Electrical | Original | A | 2/26/2025 | DANIELG | DANIELG | | | Electrical | 2124941 |
County Zoning | Original | A | 2/26/2025 | DSDDEAN2 | DSDDEAN2 | The Site Development Plan was approved on 2/5/2025 by the Planning and Community Development Department at Fil No PPR2438. Per Engineering staff comments, Road Impact Fees will be based on the class " Institutional". Based on the public works fee schedule at and the gross area noted in the Letter of Intent, 4,965 sq ft x $2371 = $11,131.84. | | County Zoning | 2124885 |
Plumbing | Original | D | 2/26/2025 | SHANEN | SHANEN | Referenced civil drawings are labeled NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. UR-1 must show compliance with chapter 9. Section 915 does not apply to urinals. * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Plumbing | 2124847 |
Gas/Elec. Utils | Original | A | 2/26/2025 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | CSU Field Engineer to determine final gas/electric meter, transformer and service line locations. Contact Field Engineering at 719-668-4985 (Gas) or 719-668-5564 (Electric) with any questions.MDA | malcuran | Gas/Elec. Utils | 2124803 |
Construction | Original | A | 2/26/2025 | BPHILLIPS | BPHILLIPS | | | Construction | 2124786 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 2/26/2025 | BPHILLIPS | BPHILLIPS | In Current Review by BPHILLIPS | | Electronic Plan | 2124773 |
Enumeration | Original | A | 2/24/2025 | BRENT | BRENT | | | Enumeration | 2124246 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 2/24/2025 | BRENT | BRENT | In Current Review by BRENT | | Electronic Plan | 2124238 |
Submittal 2 | Original | / | 2/24/2025 | SIERRAC | SIERRAC | Submittal #2 | | Submittal 2 | 2123947 |
Widefield Water | Original | A | 2/10/2025 | WIDEFIELDWSD | WIDEFIELDWSD | | Widefield_Eng | Widefield Water | 2118997 |
Widefield Waste Water | Original | A | 2/10/2025 | WIDEFIELDWSD | WIDEFIELDWSD | | Widefield_Eng | Widefield Waste Water | 2118995 |
Security Fire | Original | D | 1/30/2025 | SECURITYFIRE | SECURITYFIRE | Required to be Fire Sprinklered MAS for SFD | SecurityFD1 | Security Fire | 2115537 |
Security Hazmat | Original | N | 1/30/2025 | SECURITYFIRE | SECURITYFIRE | No Hazmat MAS for SFD No Stamp | SecurityFD1 | Security Hazmat | 2115535 |
Energy | Original | D | 1/14/2025 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2108523 |
Mechanical | Original | A | 1/14/2025 | TREVORH | TREVORH | Approved; | | Mechanical | 2108522 |
Electrical | Original | D | 1/14/2025 | DANIELG | DANIELG | * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Electrical | 2108344 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 1/14/2025 | DANIELG | DANIELG | In Current Review by DANIELG | | Electronic Plan | 2108338 |
Plumbing | Original | D | 1/14/2025 | SHANEN | SHANEN | * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Plumbing | 2108123 |
Elevators | Original | N | 1/13/2025 | ROBERTV | ROBERTV | No Conveyances | | Elevators | 2108074 |
EPC Health Dept | Original | N | 1/13/2025 | HEALTHDEPT | HEALTHDEPT | Not applicable. Remodel is to unlicensed church. No retail food establishment will be on premise and earthmoving activities are < 1 acre. AB | abrannon | EPC Health Dept | 2107989 |
County Zoning | Original | D | 1/9/2025 | DSDDEAN2 | DSDDEAN2 | PCD Fil No PPR2438 still under review. Submission request sent to applicant on 12/23/2024 for revision of Drainage Report. Please see EDARP file for comments on Drainage Report and resubmit for re-review and approval. Contact Engineer Bret Dilts at or 719-520-6468 for questions. | | County Zoning | 2106957 |
Zoning/Planning | Original | / | 1/9/2025 | DSDDEAN2 | DSDDEAN2 | In Current Review by DSDDEAN2 | | Zoning/Planning | 2106726 |
CSU Contract Admin. | Original | N | 1/8/2025 | CSUAPPSPRM | CSUAPPSPRM | Outside of our territory, will need to follow up with correct provider for applicable fees. JMD | jdemello | CSU Contract Admin. | 2106145 |
Gas/Elec. Utils | Original | D | 1/7/2025 | CSUREVIEW | CSUREVIEW | Approved Development Plan must be attached to the permit set. Contact Utilities Development Services at 719-668-8259 with any questions. CJS | cjsavage | Gas/Elec. Utils | 2105693 |
Construction | Original | D | 1/7/2025 | BPHILLIPS | BPHILLIPS | A1.0, A1.1 * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Construction | 2105335 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 1/6/2025 | BPHILLIPS | BPHILLIPS | In Current Review by BPHILLIPS | | Electronic Plan | 2104945 |
Enumeration | Original | A | 12/31/2024 | BRENT | BRENT | | | Enumeration | 2103974 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 12/31/2024 | BRENT | BRENT | In Current Review by BRENT | | Electronic Plan | 2103968 |
Fire | Original | / | 12/31/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | You will need to contact Fire department for approval prior to permit. This department will not review the plan electronically. | | Fire | 2103859 |
Hazmat | Original | / | 12/31/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | You will need to contact Hazmat department for approval prior to permit. This department will not review the plan electronically. | | Hazmat | 2103858 |
Energy | Original | / | 12/31/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC Amended) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2103857 |
Floodplain | Original | N | 12/31/2024 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Autogenerated Review: Outside 100 Year Floodplain. (Parcel: 5519313006) | | Floodplain | 2103856 |