CO Springs DRE | Original | D | 2/13/2025 | RTEIXEIRA2 | RTEIXEIRA2 | Denied: Thank you for your re-submittal.
Per site inspection – Menu Board sign was recorded to be already installed. It is against City Code to install signage without valid permitting. Please contact this office to discuss details and explanation of installation without permit. This sign is subject to enforcement and violation fees. Note that the site plan review illustrates that the height of the menu board from the base to the top of the menu board screen display is 6’-3” which is over the maximum allowed 6’, make sure that the sign is installed correctly from the base of the menu board sign to the top of the menu board screen display.
In addition, this plan was denied for illegal signage. If the illegal signage is still up when a re-review is requested, a $100 fee will be assessed prior to further re-inspections. Upon site inspection the following non-compliant signage was recorded: (1) Illegal Banner between T-Post on the northeast corner of property - Illegal banner(s) attached to posts are PROHIBITED in City limits. Banners are ONLY permitted when they are attached to the exterior of a building wall, require a permit and are limited to 90 days display allocation per calendar year per City Code §7.4.1307(F)(1)(a)(5) / §7.4.1307(F)(1)(b)(7). (2) Illegal moving or waving inflatable(s) are PROHIBITED in City limits per City Code §7.4.1307(F)(2)(i). (3) Illegally placed A-Frame signs, two (2) along the northern property adjacent to North Gate Blvd street frontage, two (2) adjacent to the menu board near the drive thru, and three (3) within the parking lot. A-Frame signs are permitted under current code with strict requirements, City Code §7.4.1307(E) (To be no larger than 24'w x 48t", one per individual store, on the ground, not permitted out by street, in landscape buffer or parking lot, placement no more than 10ft away from front or main entrance door and displayed only during business hours).
Contact 719-385-5072 for further information. | | CO Springs DRE | 2120963 |