CO Springs DRE | Original | D | 2/20/2025 | RTEIXEIRA2 | RTEIXEIRA2 | Denied: Thank you for your submittal.
NOTE: This plan was denied for illegal signage. If the illegal signage is still up when a re-review is requested, a $100 fee will be assessed prior to further re-inspections.
(1) Two (2) illegal flashing window signage - Flashing, blinking or chasing window signage is PROHIBITED in City limits. All illuminated signage must be static with no flashing, intermittent lights or lights of varying intensity per City Code §7.4.1309(B). (2) Wall sign installed on a fence – the wall sign “THANK YOU. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS” – a wall sign installed to the existing wood fence on the south side adjacent to the building. Sign(s) without permits are PROHIBITED in City limits per City Code §7.4.406 - Sign Plans and Permits. Wall sign must be removed from fence. (3) Illegally placed A-Frame sign – illegal a-frame sign “DIESEL” located adjacent to the Hancock Expressway (street frontage). A-Frame signs are permitted under current code with strict requirements, City Code §7.4.1307(E) (To be no larger than 24'w x 48t", one per individual store, on the ground, not permitted out by street, in landscape buffer or parking lot, placement no more than 10ft away from front or main entrance door and displayed only during business hours).
Per sign permit application the area of the sign panel dimensions total 40sf (8'-0" x 5’-0"). Per plan image the sign panel dimensions measures a total of 48sf (8'-0" x 6'-0"). Code allows up to 40sf for a low profile freestanding sign under the "Commercial" use classification. Please reduce area to meet code and resubmit.
Please contact 719-385-5028 for questions. Thank you | | CO Springs DRE | 2122974 |