Energy | Original | D | 12/31/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2103923 |
Mechanical | Original | A | 12/31/2024 | TCRIPPEN | TCRIPPEN | Approved | | Mechanical | 2103922 |
City Engr | Original | A | 12/26/2024 | JDAGNILLO | JDAGNILLO | No geological hazard report or waiver will be required. | | City Engr | 2102629 |
Electrical | Original | A | 12/26/2024 | RICHG | RICHG | | | Electrical | 2102591 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 12/26/2024 | RICHG | RICHG | In Current Review by RICHG | | Electronic Plan | 2102589 |
CO Springs DRE | Original | D | 12/26/2024 | KSCHOTT | KSCHOTT | 1. Confirm primary vehicle access to rear ADU is from the alley and show driveway for ADU (label either gravel or concrete). 5' width access from Franklin to rear ADU is not adequate primary access 2. provide zoning affidavits with permit submittal. Must be notarized AND recorded ( 3. For any new unit, must pay PLDO/CDI fees by contacting; to be paid prior to permit approval Info: WR has been recorded | | CO Springs DRE | 2102583 |
Zoning/Planning | Original | / | 12/23/2024 | KSCHOTT | KSCHOTT | In Current Review by KSCHOTT | | Zoning/Planning | 2102231 |
Construction | Original | D | 12/23/2024 | CHRISTINEH | CHRISTINEH | Provide ADU affidavit / Provide foundation plan / Provide front door size / Provide rated soffit assembly * Please see either the "Progress Set" or the "Review Set" for complete list of this department's corrections. Plans cannot be re-submitted until all required departments have completed their review. * | | Construction | 2102204 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 12/23/2024 | CHRISTINEH | CHRISTINEH | In Current Review by CHRISTINEH | | Electronic Plan | 2102178 |
Plumbing | Original | A | 12/18/2024 | SHANEN | SHANEN | | | Plumbing | 2100467 |
Enumeration | Original | A | 12/18/2024 | BECKYA | BECKYA | | | Enumeration | 2100293 |
Electronic Plan | Original | / | 12/18/2024 | BECKYA | BECKYA | In Current Review by BECKYA | | Electronic Plan | 2100289 |
Energy | Original | / | 12/17/2024 | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | Energy Department review for 2023 PPRBC (2021 IECC) is based on status of Construction, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing reviews | | Energy | 2099914 |
Floodplain | Original | N | 12/17/2024 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Autogenerated Review: Outside 100 Year Floodplain. (Parcel: 6408215007) | | Floodplain | 2099913 |