City Engr | Original | A | 3/7/2025 | JDAGNILLO | JDAGNILLO | No geological hazard report or waiver will be required. | | City Engr | 2128746 |
CO Springs Fire | Original | A | 3/6/2025 | CSFIRE | CSFIRE | You will need to contact CSFD Code Services at 719-385-5978, Option 5, to receive your CSFD final fire inspection. CSFD will confirm that site access and approved fire lane markings are installed and correct at time of this final inspection. Sds | smitty91 | CO Springs Fire | 2127977 |
CO Springs DRE | Original | D | 3/6/2025 | MAMBUUL | MAMBUUL | Need to pay school and park fees prior to site plan approval. FAs on file. Site plans stamped, and may be approved once fees are paid. Please contact to pay fees. | | CO Springs DRE | 2127912 |
Zoning/Planning | Original | / | 3/5/2025 | MAMBUUL | MAMBUUL | In Current Review by MAMBUUL | | Zoning/Planning | 2127543 |
Enumeration | Original | A | 3/5/2025 | BRENT | BRENT | | | Enumeration | 2127539 |
Fire | Original | / | 3/5/2025 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | 3089 CURLY GRV is on a private road within Colorado Springs. Fire Department Review is required. | | Fire | 2127537 |
Floodplain | Original | N | 3/5/2025 | RBD GIS | RBD GIS | Autogenerated Review: Outside 100 Year Floodplain. (Parcel: 5331106101) | | Floodplain | 2127538 |